Eveready (PTY) LTD
Eveready (PTY) LTD
  • Eveready Group
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Eveready. Positively South African

Date : 27 March 2013

The world is full of positive and negative forces, they’re in batteries of course, there’s positive and negative charges and of positive and negative attitudes.

Eveready is embarking on a campaign, Positively South African, a campaign to overcome negativity.

Across the year, Eveready Batteries will be looking at positivity in all its forms, and the first in a series of 10 articles, looks at reasons to be positive about South Africa.

It’s so easy to focus on the negative, and it drains you of energy and stops you from looking at the positive.

Think of it as a small ball rolling along the ground, and as it rolls, it becomes bigger and faster. That’s what one small negative thought can turn into: a huge, speeding ball of ugliness. On the contrary, a small positive thought can have the same effect blossoming into a beautiful outcome.

So, to get us thinking about all the positive things about South Africa, we spoke with some of the Eveready team to find out why they loved their country:

Keitometsi Segatla, engineering graduate

"I love the people of South Africa. South Africans are friendly and welcoming and willing to help anyone in need. There is always a smiling face and a hearty laugh.”

Liza Bright, brand manager

"South Africa is a nation that is passionate about sport and a sports mad culture exists amongst South African’s which brings unity to the nation when we play in the international arena.”

Avijit Das, Managing Director

"We have a democratic set up with an independent judiciary system and free press. These are the pillars of a successful nation focused at human development and social up-liftment. We pride ourselves as a rainbow nation which embraces multiple cultures, ideas and ways of life - this ability to embrace diversity and feel good about it is a major ingredient for a nation to constantly learn, innovate and move ahead.”

Elizabeth Namponya, finance

"Our ‘proudly South African’ attitude. South Africans are proud of their languages, despite having eleven official languages we are able to embrace each other. Who doesn’t know the meaning of "eish”, "eita”, "hola” or even "howzit? Which other country calls a "barbeque” a "braai”, dried meat "biltong”? But aside from our delicacies and interesting slangwhat makes me positive about South Africa is the potential I see for innovation across all spheres; arts, culture, the environment and industry.”

Gideon van den Berg, Technical Manager

"Having travelled and worked the UK, I was amazed at the country's identity. England knew who it was and were it was heading. South Africa is different and we still have a (few) long road(s) to walk before we will be a united – and that is where I believe the excitement is! It’s still too early to tell how we will become. But, I am positive when I see and hear that people are truly aware that is up them and no-one else to make this country work.”