Eveready (PTY) LTD
Eveready (PTY) LTD
  • Eveready Group
    Kestrel Wind TurbinesEcocellHouse of YorkEveready Lighting South Africa

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Positivity helps achieve goals.
Positivity helps achieve goals.Date: 03 Feb 2014

Weather is what most athletes stress about before an event, and on Sunday, East London offered them the most ideal conditions.

Long Walk To Freedom
Long Walk To FreedomDate: 10 Dec 2013

A father, icon and the greatest man of all time has passed on. It is sad, yet his life needs to be celebrated.

His Day Is Done - A Tribute Poem For Nelson MandelaDate: 09 Dec 2013

A tribute to our late “father of the nation” Nelson Mandela.

I Love South Africa
I Love South AfricaDate: 01 Nov 2013

South Africa: The Good News, shares a story about how a South African citizen has chosen to look past the negativity and has focused on making South Africa a better place.

Positively a blessing!
Positively a blessing!Date: 27 Sep 2013

Blessing Marunga was just 23 when he started his career in teaching as a primary school English teacher.

One person making a Positive difference to many
One person making a Positive difference to manyDate: 27 Sep 2013

25 years ago, Sister Ethel Normoyle set out to do something extraordinary.

A smile speaks a thousand words
A smile speaks a thousand wordsDate: 27 Sep 2013

Cleft Friends was founded in 2009 by Helena and Matthew Cullis, whose son, Joel, was born with a cleft palate in that year.

A Positive message from our customer
A Positive message from our customerDate: 27 Sep 2013

I feel such amazing service deserves a mention, as cases like this are so thin on the ground…. and happy letters like this might encourage better service elsewhere!?

Be Positive! And get it done.
Be Positive! And get it done.Date: 27 Sep 2013

Moaning! Complaining or grumbling about something. Procrastination!

A positive attitude can get you through tough times
A positive attitude can get you through tough timesDate: 27 Sep 2013

Koenraad Pretorius was only 4 years old when he had a liver transplant following an illness from a rare genetic disorder. He was diagnosed ads 6 weeks old.

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